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diseño de una oficina


Usuario Nuevo

Mar 21, 2008, 2:54 AM

Mensaje #1 de 3 (26367 visitas)
diseño de una oficina Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

nesecito informacion de diseño de interior sobre oficinasde:
oficinas de revistas,
oficinas de publicidad o
oficinas de diseño grafico
nesecito informacion de cualquiere de las tres clases de oficinas serian demucha ayuda

Usuario Regular

Jun 7, 2009, 9:17 AM

Mensaje #2 de 3 (24092 visitas)
Re: [EMosquera] diseño de una oficina [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

Office Environment Concepts [ Nurturing Office Interior ] A nurturing office environment is a place where employees feel free to unwind and to gather energy needed to regroup in creative collaloration. An office environment with a culture that encourages employees to acknowledge their need for relaxation, along with their need to perform activities, results in a more joyful workplace. Nurturing office environment feel almost residential, designed to allow employees to work comfortably and making use of the work areas as an employee would in his or her home. Modifying spaces metaphor for gathering, creating and sharing an understanding of one another. Providing an inspiring environment shows respect for employees and in turn they naturally gather enthusiasm in every aspects of business which a feeling that emanates to the larger business community. [ Serene Office Interior ] A serene office environment is designer to calm the mind of the employees. It takes the employee away from the noise and distraction of the office chaos and creates an oasis to let individual minds to calm down. It's a sanctuary to renew and rejuvenate spirit, allowing employees to untangle tight knots of work problems and allows oneself to saturate with creative solutions. Serene workspace help employees reach their spiritual side and this helps them twist in their own creativity. Companies that understand the power of spirituality offer amployees retreat- like spaces to dwell when necessary. Abundance of nature lights and natural materialsrescued people from being in city and taken them into nature environment where they feel re-energised. Workspace with clean, clear environment and natural landscape encourage clarity of individual soul and creativity of mind. [ Playful Office Interior ] Office environment designed with fun and frolic help to bring out the child within and to awaken employee's light hearted nature. This work environment aims to remove barriers between individuals and encourage interaction as well as good attitude towards work. The employees are likely to benefit in a playful workspace are more conservative, introverted people who need a bit of fun now and then to help loosen things upat work. Extroverted people will naturally gravitate towards a fun work environment because it appeals to their desire to entertain and be entertained as a way of bonding with others. A company with a playful bent to its work environment does not have to be in creative of entertainment industry. There are plenty of fields that could stand to have a bit of levity in the workplace. Office environment should be less typical, conventional and eliminate barriers between individuals, both physical and emotional. [ Artistic Office Interior ] An Artistic office environment is filled with symbols, colour and images meant to stimulate and engage the imagination and the senses. This result in a office where people understand that they can render their work and personal lives in richer and vibrant colours that they ever imagined. An artistic office design becomes an expression of individual personality and talents. Office Interior Design Concepts Office Ergonomics Office ergonomics is the technology behind office furniture designed to support the body. Ergonomics in the office are not a case of luxury but of necessity. It helps the employees to work for longer hours without feeling the strain. Ergonomics office, chair or workstation will provide comfort and a healthy posture and will help to prevent musculoskeletal injuries. In addition, ergonomic furniture in the office environment helps to reduce the chance of injuries caused by incorrect posture while working behind a computer for a long period of time. Ergonomic Office Design
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-


Ago 30, 2010, 1:27 PM

Mensaje #3 de 3 (22212 visitas)
Re: [EMosquera] diseño de una oficina [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

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nesecito informacion de diseño de interior sobre oficinasde:
oficinas de revistas,
oficinas de publicidad o
oficinas de diseño grafico
nesecito informacion de cualquiere de las tres clases de oficinas serian demucha ayuda

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