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Página Principal: Búsqueda de Información: Diseño y Dibujo:
Criadero de ovejas (granero)


Usuario Nuevo

Jun 15, 2009, 2:24 PM

Mensaje #1 de 2 (5265 visitas)
Criadero de ovejas (granero) Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder


Soy nuevo en foro y gustaría me puedan con un trabajo de la Universidad. Necesito bibujar un plano CAD de un granero acondicionado para el criado de ovejas. Tengo poca experiencia dibujando en Autocad por lo cual me resulta dificil tener que dibujarlo.

Ojala alguien me pueda ayudar.

Saludos y desde ya gracias..

Usuario Regular

Jun 16, 2009, 5:19 PM

Mensaje #2 de 2 (5251 visitas)
Re: [yilo_74] Criadero de ovejas (granero) [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

Sheep Housing and Handling
Farm Resources, Facilities and Equipment ...................................................................... 11
Labour ......................................................................................................................................................11
Machinery ................................................................................................................................................11
Housing ....................................................................................................................................................12
Lambing Facilities...................................................................................................................................12
Feed Storage ............................................................................................................................................13
Manure Storage........................................................................................................................................14
Canada Plan Service................................................................................................................................14
Building or renovating .............................................................................................................................14
Farmstead Planning.................................................................................................................................15
Key Components of Sheep Handling Facilities ................................................................ 16
Planning ...................................................................................................................................................16
Facilities Design ......................................................................................................................................16
Use Sheep Behaviour to Your Advantage......................................................................... 18
Herding Dogs....................................................................................................................... 18
Catching and Tipping Sheep .............................................................................................. 19
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Farm
Resources, Facilities, and Equipment
Farm Resources, Facilities and Equipment
Adapted from ‘Evaluating Farm Resources and Sheep Production Systems’
by Bill McCutcheon, Former OMAF Sheep Specialist
and ‘Housing and Equipment’ by Ian Alton, Former OSMA Director
Modified by OSMA (2002)
Labour is an essential and important input in a sheep enterprise. If you are too busy to implement proper
flock health and to monitor your sheep closely, the productivity and profitability of your flock will suffer. The
amount of labour required will depend on your production system, the size of the flock, amount of cropping,
degree of mechanization, facility design, and handling system. When evaluating labour requirements consider
the distribution of activities on your farm throughout the year. For example, producers with accelerated lambing
programs will generally have a higher, but steadier level of work through the year, while operations that lamb
once per year will have increased labour during lambing. Producers who produce their own feed will have extra
requirements during haying and cropping seasons.
The degree of mechanization generally needs to increase if labour requirements are to remain the same as
the size of the flock increases. Such things as feeding with large round bales, using selfdispensing
feeders, and using tractors to clean pens will greatly reduce time requirements, but must be weighed against
extra overhead costs. Whatever your feeding and management systems, however, always consider ways of
setting up your facilities to make your work easier. Never create extra work by having things in inaccessible
locations, or by trying to work through the stock to reach feeders or other pens. The merits of a good handling
system cannot be stressed enough for decreasing labour requirements and encouraging proper flock care (see
The amount of land you will need depends on whether you plan to produce winter feed for your flock and
the level of confinement (i.e. grazing requirements) of the flock. The productivity of the land must also be
evaluated to determine the carrying capacity (animals/acre) and the estimated yield from crop production. As
this varies greatly throughout the province, it is advisable to contact an OMAF Sheep or Pasture Specialist to
find out more about your area.
Many producers are under the impression that you must own land to be a farmer or raise sheep. In many
cases, unless you already own the land, it is likely most economical to rent your land and buildings. The extra
debt load imposed on the farming business by buying land may be enough to make the farm business
unsuccessful. Unless you have an offfarm
source of income to pay for the farm mortgage, renting may be the
most viable alternative.
What equipment do you need to operate a sheep enterprise? If you pasture your sheep you may need
equipment to clip pastures for weed control and to spread fertilizer. Unless you are overwintering
your sheep
on pasture, you will need to remove manure from the sheep barn and yards. The equipment needed for this
could consist of a 40 to 65 h.p. tractor with a front end loader, a rotary mower, and perhaps a manure spreader.
If you are going to be producing winter feed onfarm,
baling and combining equipment will also be needed. It
may be cheaper to buy your hay and grain than produce it yourself when you consider the cost of the equipment
and labour required. If forage and grain are purchased off the farm, the shepherd has the opportunity to expand
the flock by using more land for pasture. Hiring custom operators with their own equipment to crop your land
may also be a viable alternative.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Farm
Resources, Facilities, and Equipment
Sheep do not require elaborate housing. Although extra considerations must be made for young stock and during
lambing, adult sheep do not require a warm barn and can thrive if they are provided with a draft free place to get
out of the snow and wind. Remember that animals housed outdoors during winter will have to put energy
resources towards maintaining body temperature and, therefore, will have greater nutritional requirements.
During periods of high production demands such as lactation or growth, the animal may not be able to eat
enough to supply these needs, so production and body condition will suffer. When housing outdoors during the
summer, do not neglect to provide shade for animals. When housing indoors, space requirements including
floor space and feeder space must be evaluated to determine how many sheep can be housed in a given pen. See
page 14 for information on how to obtain building plans for various housing and handling structures from
‘Canada Plan Service’.
The most important things to consider when assessing housing facilities are:
· Adequate floor space for the number of animals to be housed. Ewes require 1020
square feet
depending on the stage of production. (See The Code of Practice recommendations at the
back of this binder)
· The ease of feeding, cleaning, and handling the flock
· Ventilation and drainage
Lambing Facilities
Lambs are born with little fat cover and a low energy reserve. Hypothermia is the main cause of lamb loss
in Ontario and lambs that are exposed to cold, wet conditions are very vulnerable. Therefore, an insulated area
is a must if you are lambing in the winter. Once lambs are dried off and have a good start, they are better able to
handle lower temperatures.
Many producers will isolate ewes with newborn lambs into mothering pens for a day or two. The purpose
of these pens is to allow the ewe to calmly accept her lamb in safe and stress free environment. This may be
particularly important for ewes the first time that they lamb, as they are more likely to reject the lamb(s). As
well, other ewes that are close to lambing themselves may attempt to ‘steal’ newborns. Pens should be clean,
easily disinfected, draft free and constructed so that lambs cannot become chilled or trapped. They should be no
less than 4’ x 5’ in floor size and at least 30” high.
Ventilating barns properly is an important and at times challenging aspect of maintaining a healthy flock.
Viruses and bacteria thrive in low quality air and can cause respiratory diseases in animals. This is a particular
problem for young stock, which are more prone to pneumonia resulting in poor growth and high mortality.
When livestock are housed in barns the air should be kept clear of excess humidity and heavy odours. This is
complicated by the fact that byproducts
of forage digestion are water and heat, and a flock of sheep can produce
very humid conditions in a barn in a short period of time. The purpose of a ventilation system, therefore, is to
replace the moist, warm air inside the barn with cool, dry air from outside. Providing adequate ventilation
during the winter is a balance of circulating enough outside air to keep humidity down, while maintaining
adequate warmth (e.g. prevent water lines from freezing, protect lambs, etc). Ventilation during the summer
may be even more problematic if the outside humidity equals that within the barn.
Barns can be ventilated naturally or by forced air fans. Open style barns are usually well enough ventilated
but some of the larger ones require more elaborate systems to get air circulating through all areas. For closed
barns, opening windows away from the wind will help solve the problem, but take care to prevent drafts directly
onto the animals during the winter. Reducing stocking density, shearing animals, and providing dry bedding
will help avoid problems with humidity in both the summer and winter.
To learn about specific types of ventilation systems or if you are in doubt about the ventilation capacities of
your barn, contact your provincial specialist to arrange a consultation.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Farm
Resources, Facilities, and Equipment
Floors are typically either earth or cement. Earth floors are warmer, softer, and more economical, but may
be hard to maintain. Good drainage is needed to keep the floor dry. Concrete floors are very hard and
unforgiving, but are easy to maintain and sanitize. Plenty of clean, fresh bedding should be provided at all
times. If it isn’t clean enough or bedded well enough for the shepherd to curl up on, then it isn’t adequate for
the flock either.
Ideally sheep should be divided into group pens according to nutritional requirements. This allows the shepherd
to meet the nutritional needs of the animals as closely and economically as possible (See Chapter 7 for more
details). Animals may be penned according to the following groups:
· open/dry ewes on maintenance diet
· rams
· ewes preparing for breeding (flushing)
· type of pregnancy (i.e. single or multiple pregnancy; if pregnancy testing performed)
· ewes with newborn lambs
· lactation demands (e.g. number of lambs, stage of lactation)
· market lambs based on age, weight, and/or finish
· replacement ewe and/or ram lambs (may feed differently than market lambs)
Sheep should be fed in a manner that does not require the shepherd to enter the pen with the flock. Walkthrough
(feeder divides two pens, allowing producer to feed both pens) or bunk feeders accessible from alleys
should be used. Adequate bunk space must be provided to allow all sheep to eat at the same time with some
space left over. This allows smaller, more submissive animals to eat at the same rate as the rest of the flock.
This helps maintain an ideal average body condition in the pen, and helps decrease the incidence of overeating
disorder in feeder lambs (see Chapter 8). See the Code of Practice at the back of this binder for details on feeder
space required per head.
There are various styles of feeders available. Feeders should be designed to keep sheep from walking on the
feed and to prevent feed from being pulled onto the ground. This helps keep feed clean to minimize parasite
loads and decrease feed wastage. Commercially produced feeders will last longest, but for economic reasons
adequate feeders can be made from wood. See page 14 for information on obtaining building plans for sheep
feeders from ‘Canada Plan Service’.
Feed Storage
Grain must be kept dry (i.e. off the ground and protected from the elements). Grain that gets wet is prone to
developing moulds, which are potentially harmful to the sheep. Grain should also be protected from rodent
infestation as much as possible. Protecting hay from moisture and sunlight helps to maintain nutrient quality
and prevents wastage.
Where possible, automatic watering devices should be provided. In cold barns you may have to consider
heated automatic bowls and insulated or heated pipes. Approximately 40 ewes, 10 rams, or 5075
feeder lambs
can use one watering bowl. Water is the most important and often the most overlooked nutrient in a sheep’s diet.
Sheep do not like dirty water and will consume more if it is not fouled. Bowls should be checked daily and
cleaned when needed. A quick scoop that only takes a second will clear the bowl of hay, straw, or manure.
If you are using ponds or dugouts as a water source, watch for build up of bluegreen
algae. This alga can
be potentially fatal to livestock and humans.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Farm
Resources, Facilities, and Equipment
Manure Storage
Store manure away from buildings and corrals to prevent runoff
into sheep housing areas, water sources,
and feed supplies. Take precautions when spreading manure to prevent contamination of water sources and
oversupplying nutrients to soil. New provincial regulations regarding the handling and storage of manure will
soon be in place. Contact OMAF to learn about these regulations and how to implement a nutrient management
plan on your farm.
Canada Plan Service
Canada Plan Service (CPS) is a nation wide network of agricultural engineers and livestock specialists
concerned with the planning, design and construction of modern farm buildings. Their goal is to gather ideas
from across Canada and then develop construction and management recommendations. In this way, uptodate
building technology and farmstead management practices are available to all Canadian farmers. Ten technical
committees, with membership drawn from each province, develop the Canada Plan Service publications.
Publications take the form of detailed construction plans or management and construction leaflets. Each
province distributes the plans and leaflets according to its needs. (See their website ( or
contact OMAF (15198263100)
for information on how to order building plans).
The CPS Information Resource focuses on the following areas:
1. Farm Structures and their Environments
2. Waste Handling and Storage
3. Animal Care and Comfort
4. Crop Handling, Storage, Processing and Conditioning
5. Rural Environment
6. Systems Engineering
A few of the plans available specifically for sheep housing and handling include:
· Pole frame sheep shed
· Slotted floor sheep barn
· Sheep drylot unit
· Shearing floor and fleecesorting
· 6sided
sheep feeder
· Adjustable feed bunk
· Mineral boxes
· Lamb creep feeders
· Feed rack
· Fence line and walk through feeders
· Sheep corral fencing and gates
· Loading chute
Building or renovating
When a decision is made to construct or make modifications to a farm building, new building code regulations
must be considered. Farm building construction in Ontario is primarily regulated by the Ontario Building Code
1990. This code, proclaimed on October 1, 1990, recognizes farm buildings to a larger extent than previous
Ontario Building Codes. It is necessary to obtain a building permit for all agricultural construction
projects in Ontario. Manure storage, grain bins and silos all fall into the definition of "farm buildings", and
along with all other farm structures, will require building permits.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Farm
Resources, Facilities, and Equipment
Farmstead Planning
When planning a new building or adding to an existing farmstead, you must consider such things as:
· Site drainage
· Services (lanes, power, water supply, waste disposal:
· Security
· Separation distances for snow and wind control, ventilation and disease control
· Distance separation from residences for control of noise and odours
· Municipal Regulations
Office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food can provide many Fact sheets and other publications
pertaining to the planning of farm buildings, manure storage, etc. Check with your local municipality and
OMAF early in the planning stage. The construction of livestock facilities is usually only permitted in
agricultural zones. In addition, the location of the facilities is often restricted by setback distances from roads,
lot lines, neighbouring houses and land uses. Usually these setback distances are based on the Agricultural Code
of Practice and take into account:
· Number of animals on the site.
· Type of livestock
· Management system
· Degree of expansion
· Manure storage
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Sheep
Handling Facilities
Key Components of Sheep Handling Facilities
Anita O’Brien, Sheep and Goat Specialist, OMAF
From the OMAF Sheep Industry Update, 2001
(Modified by OSMA 2002)
sheep handling facilities are an important ingredient for successful sheep production. The
sheep producer will find few other investments that can match handling facilities with respect to labour
efficiencies and savings. Most producers will only build or purchase one handling facility in their lifetime, so
planning is essential.
Existing paddocks, laneways, and barnyards should be incorporated into the handling system to allow for
ample space when the flock is held in the yards for extended periods of time. Sheep need to be moved smoothly
between these areas with a minimum of fuss. To achieve this, a producer needs to understand how good design
encourages the sheep and lambs to move ahead through the system without balking, thereby keeping problems
for workers to a minimum. Welldesigned
facilities are easy to operate, saving stress, labour, and their
associated costs.
Sheep handling in ‘makedo’
pens is not only hard, difficult work, it is outright unpleasant, resulting in
important jobs like vaccinating and deworming being delayed or not getting done at all. To ensure that the
handling facility will accommodate all the required jobs, make a complete list of the operations that will be
carried out, and consider how these jobs will be done in the plan.
A useful checklist includes:
· Shearing, crutching, sorting,
deworming, vaccination, body condition
scoring, pregnancy scanning, foot
trimming, foot bathing, weighing,
loading and sale of sheep
Factors to be taken into consideration
· Best location for the facilities based on
sheep behaviour (see list on page 18).
· Size of groups the facility will need to
· Amount of labour available for working
the sheep in the facility
· Modification of existing facilities, new
buildings, or purchased portable yards,
· Costs involved
Facilities Design
In simple terms, handling facilities comprise the following areas: low density holding areas, high density
holding areas, forcing (or crowding) area, and a handling chute (or race).
Most producers can use nearby pastures and laneways as their low density holding areas. These areas need
to be secure enough to prevent escapes (particularly lambs) from one area to the next, so consider using net wire
fencing with openings no larger than 15cm by 15cm secured to closelyspaced
High density holding areas need to be built with medium to strong fencing materials. A density of two
sheep in full fleece per square metre allows enough room to drive the group into the yards, while leaving space
for gates to swing. It is particularly important that these areas are long and narrow so that groups are easily
controlled while being driven up into the forcing (crowding) pen. If greater capacity is needed, it is better to
lengthen them, rather than making them wider.
Figure 1: Sheep in handling system
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Sheep
Handling Facilities
Forcing pens should be designed to ensure an even flow of sheep into the handling chute. Therefore, avoid
square or triangular shaped pens that have corners where the sheep will get ‘stuck’. Forcing pens generally have
a swinging gate that can be brought in behind the animals to crowd them into the chute (Figure 1).
The handling chute should be solid sided to prevent legs or horns being caught; high enough to prevent
jumping; narrow enough to prevent animals from turning around (adjustable width for handling sheep vs lambs);
and designed to allow the sheep in the forcing area and in the chute to see the animal ahead of them. Some
producers may opt to place a weigh scale within the chute. Depending on the set up of the pens leading from the
chute, the gate at the end of the chute can be used to sort (draft) animals into different management groups (e.g.
market lambs vs replacement stock etc.).
For producers that are just starting their sheep operation, the following example may not be feasible right
away. However, with the overwhelming advantages of having a good handling system in place, all producers
should think about ease of handling and have an overall plan in mind when designing their corrals and penning.
Other facility designs are available from the Canada Plan Service (see page 14)
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling: Sheep
Behaviour & Herding Dogs
Use Sheep Behaviour to Your Advantage
Anita O’Brien, Sheep and Goat Specialist, OMAF
(From the OMAF Sheep Industry Update, 2001)
Efficient use of sheep handling facilities requires that sheep move through the facilities as smoothly and rapidly
as possible. By understanding sheep behaviour, producers can use this knowledge to their advantage in setting
up and using their handling facilities.
A brief review of some important aspects of sheep behaviour as it relates to handling and movement:
· Sheep do not like to be enclosed in a tight environment and will move on their own accord into large areas.
· Sheep move toward other sheep willingly
· Sheep move away from workers and dogs
· Sheep have good longterm
memories (relative) especially with respect to unpleasant experiences.
· If given a choice, sheep prefer to move over flat areas before up an incline, and up an incline before moving
down it.
· Sheep prefer to move from a darkened area towards a lighter area, but avoid contrasts in light.
· Sheep flow better through facilities if the same path and flow directions are maintained.
· Stationary sheep are motivated to move by the sight of sheep running away.
· Sheep will balk or stop forward movement when they see sheep moving in the opposite direction.
· Sheep will move faster through a long, narrow pen or area, than through a square pen.
· Sheep move better through the race if they cannot see the operator.
· Sheep will more willingly move toward an open area than toward what they perceive as a dead end.
· Sheep react negatively (as do all livestock) to loud noises and yelling and barking.
· Young sheep move through facilities easier when their first move through is with well trained older sheep.
Many years of observation, by many different people, have gone into establishing the above listed points of
sheep behaviour. They illustrate hat certain actions and reactions by sheep are very predictable, and can be used
to the producer’s advantage in all aspects of sheep management.
Kondinin Group. 1990. Yards ‘n’ Yakka.
MidWest Planning Services. 1994. Sheep Equipment Handbook.
Herding Dogs
A welltrained
dog can save the producer a great deal of effort when herding
and moving sheep. Many breeds of dogs are used on sheep farms throughout
the world. In Canada, the black (or brown) and white Border Collie is perhaps
the most popular. In selecting a dog, make enquiries, watch sheep dog trials
and, if possible, enlist the aid of an experienced handler. A purebred dog is by no means essential, but a welltrained
dog is. Most breeds of herding dogs have strong instincts to stalk and chase livestock. If these instincts
have not been properly channeled through training, dogs will generally do more harm than good by chasing
sheep in the wrong direction, running through the flock, or becoming overly aggressive towards the sheep. Even
with welltrained
dogs (depending on their temperament), you may wish to restrict their use to gathering sheep
in large areas, rather than in small pens or handling systems. Dogs may become overly excited with sheep in
confined areas, particularly if the flock isn’t moving well. The sheep will remember the frightening experience
and may be reluctant to enter the handling system the next time. If you buy a professionally trained dog, be sure
to take some time to learn commands that the dog will understand; improperly trained people may be just as
frustrating for dogs, as poorly trained dogs are to shepherds.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Catching
and Tipping Sheep
Catching and Tipping Sheep
By: Les Jones; Former OMAF Sheep Technician
(Modified by OSMA 2002)
Catching Sheep
At times it is necessary to catch and handle individual animals. If you do not have a handling system and
have to catch sheep in a pen, use gates or hurdles to make the pen as small as possible. Do not get into the habit
of chasing sheep around a pen. This is not only tiring, but is potentially dangerous for the sheep and the person
trying to catch them. Compared to horses or cattle, sheep are not large animals, however, they are very fast on
their feet and very strong for their size. Many people have been injured by trying to catch a sheep improperly.
Repeatedly chasing your sheep will also make them flighty and difficult to work with.
Maneuver the sheep into a corner, extending your arms or using a portable gate to form a visual barrier.
Approach the sheep slowly and calmly. The sheep will likely attempt to escape but will probably not move
away from the wall, so its moves can be anticipated.
To properly catch a sheep, reach for one of three places.
· Under the chin: Approach the sheep between its shoulder and flank (if you approach too close to the head,
the sheep will likely be able to duck away from you). Cup your hand under the chin and point the nose up to
stop the forward motion. Be sure that you get your hand on the bony part of the jaw, not on the throat or
you will think you have caught a horse and will be dragged around the pen. Place your other hand on the
tail/rump to prevent the sheep from backing away from your hand on its chin. If you are near a wall, you
may wish to gently push the sheep against the wall to prevent sideways movement.
· Hind leg: Catch the animal by one hind leg, positioning your hand just above the hock. Move your other
hand up to control the head as soon as possible. As adult sheep are still able to kick strongly while being
held just by the leg, this method generally works best for young, lightweight animals.
· The Flank: Catch the animal by the front part of the hind leg as near as possible to the body. Place your free
hand up to the head as soon as possible. If you control the head the rest of the animal will stay there as well.
Whichever method you use, remember that the wool is not a handle and should not be used as a means of
controlling the sheep. This is particularly important when handling animals near slaughter weight, as wool
pulling is a significant cause of muscle bruising and meat wastage. To move the sheep lift the tail and let the
head down a little, and anticipate that the animal may try to bolt.
Tipping or Turning Sheep
Once the animal is caught, you may wish to ‘tip’ the sheep onto its rump to trim feet,
inspect the udder etc. Surprisingly, sheep in this position struggle very little and are
generally easy to work with (Figure 1). There are a few methods of getting the sheep
into this position.
Depending on your preferences, the following method is generally the least tiring and
easiest on the handler and the sheep. These instructions are for a righthanded
if you are lefthanded
you will likely find it easier if you reverse the directions.
Chapter 2: Sheep Housing and Handling Catching
and Tipping Sheep
1. Starting position:
· Stand the sheep in front of you
· Hold the sheep’s head in your left hand, placing your hand under the jaw
· Your left knee should be near or just behind the sheep’s left shoulder
· Your right leg should be touching the sheep’s side near its left hip
· Your right hand on the sheep’s back over the hips
2. Turn the sheep’s nose away from you and right around as if it was trying to reach a spot on its back just
behind the shoulder. As soon as you bring the nose around you will feel the weight of the sheep lean
against your legs.
3. Put enough pressure on the hips with your right hand that the sheep cannot pick its back feet off the floor.
Take a step back with your right leg (your back not the sheep’s!). The hind end of the sheep will start to
go down.
4. Continue to bring the head around until the animal is sitting down with its back leaning against your legs.
Steps 24
should be done in a smooth motion. The mistake most often made by beginners using this method
is to move the wrong foot. Remember to pivot on your left foot and step behind you with the right foot.
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-


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