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Lugar Y Sitio



Jul 12, 2009, 6:46 PM

Mensaje #1 de 5 (7883 visitas)
Lugar Y Sitio Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

BUenas noches a toos y ante todo gracias por la ayuda me gustaria un poco de in formacion acerca de dos temas:

- Lugar y sitio
- signo y significado

del primero me gustaria saber las diferencia ya que por lo que se no son lo mismo pro buscando en diferentes sitios web y algunos ñibro s me di cuenta de que sus conceptos son confundidos casi siempre o los toman como si fueran iguales. por lo que yo se el sitio es un punto o ubicaion pero el lugar es algo mucho mas amplio tambien como un sitio pero tomando en cuenta su historia cultura y otros puntos mas

Usuario Regular

Jul 12, 2009, 7:29 PM

Mensaje #2 de 5 (7880 visitas)
Re: [punkreaz] Lugar Y Sitio [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

(De logar1).
1. m. Espacio ocupado o que puede ser ocupado por un cuerpo cualquiera.
2. m. Sitio o paraje.
3. m. Ciudad, villa o aldea.
4. m. Población pequeña, menor que villa y mayor que aldea.
5. m. Pasaje, texto, autoridad o sentencia; expresión o conjunto de expresiones de un autor, o de un libro escrito.
6. m. Tiempo, ocasión, oportunidad.
7. m. Puesto, empleo, dignidad, oficio o ministerio.
8. m. Sitio que en una serie ordenada de nombres ocupa cada uno de ellos.
9. m. En Galicia, casería dada en arriendo.
~ acasarado.
1. m. En Galicia, conjunto de heredades alrededor de la casa en que habita el colono que las cultiva.
~ común.
1. m. Principio general de que se saca la prueba para el argumento en el discurso.
2. m. Expresión trivial, o ya muy empleada en caso análogo.
~ de behetría.
1. m. behetría.
~ de señorío.
1. m. El que estaba sujeto a un señor particular, a distinción de los realengos.
~ geométrico.
1. m. Línea o superficie cuyos puntos tienen alguna propiedad común; como la circunferencia, cuyos puntos equidistan de otro llamado centro.
~ oratorio.
1. m. Ret. lugar común (‖ principio para el argumento en el discurso).
~es teológicos.
1. m. pl. Fuentes de donde la teología saca sus principios, argumentos e instrumentos.
como mejor haya ~ en derecho.
1. expr. Der. U. en los pedimentos, para manifestar que, además de lo que pide la parte, quiere que se la favorezca en cuanto permite el derecho.
dar ~ a.
1. loc. verb. Ocasionar, motivar. El incumplimiento de las normas dio lugar a una sanción
en buen ~.
1. loc. adv. En buena situación o consideración.
en ~ de.
1. loc. prepos. en vez de.
en mal ~.
1. loc. adv. En mala situación o consideración.
en mi, tu, su, etc., ~.
1. exprs. Manifiestan una hipótesis para aconsejar una conducta. En tu lugar yo no iría
en primer ~.
1. loc. adv. primeramente.
en su ~, descanso.
1. loc. verb. Mil. U. para ordenar al soldado que, sin salirse de la fila, adopte una posición más cómoda.
fuera de ~.
1. loc. adj. Inoportuno, inadecuado, contrario a la situación o a las circunstancias. U. t. c. loc. adv. Tu actitud está fuera de lugar
hacer ~.
1. loc. verb. hacer sitio.
hacerse alguien ~.
1. loc. verb. Hacerse estimar o atender entre otros.
no ha ~.
1. expr. Der. U. para declarar que no se accede a lo que se pide.
no ha ~ a deliberar.
1. expr. Forma habitual de la proposición que en las Cortes y otras asambleas se hace para atajar el curso de un asunto.
ponerse en el ~ de alguien.
1. loc. verb. Adoptar su punto de vista o tratar de comprenderlo.
salvo sea el ~.
1. expr. coloq. salva sea la parte.
sin ~ a duda, o sin ~ a dudas.
1. locs. advs. sin duda (‖ indudablemente).
tener ~.
1. loc. verb. tener cabida.
2. loc. verb. Disponer del tiempo necesario para hacer algo.
tener ~ algo.
1. loc. verb. Ocurrir, suceder, efectuarse.
□ V.
unidad de lugar

Real Academ

(Del lat. situs, -us, infl. por sitiar).
1. m. Espacio que es ocupado o puede serlo por algo.
2. m. Lugar o terreno determinado que es a propósito para algo.
3. m. Casa campestre o hacienda de recreo de un personaje.
4. m. Acción y efecto de sitiar.
5. m. Cuba. Estancia pequeña dedicada al cultivo y a la cría de animales domésticos.
6. m. Méx. Parada de taxis autorizada.
~ real.
1. m. Palacio, casa de recreo o de salud con dependencias y aledaños que eran propiedad de los reyes y les servían de residencia eventual.
dejar a alguien en el ~.
1. loc. verb. Dejarle muerto en el acto.
hacer ~.
1. loc. verb. Desembarazar un lugar o dar cabida a algo en una parte de él.
levantar el ~.
1. loc. verb. Desistir del de una plaza o fortaleza sitiadas. U. t. en sent. fig.
poner a alguien en su ~.
1. loc. verb. coloq. Hacerle ver cuál es su posición, importancia, etc., para que no se permita ciertas libertades.
poner ~.
1. loc. verb. Sitiar, asediar.
quedarse alguien en el ~.
1. loc. verb. Morir en el mismo punto y hora en que le hieren o en que le ocurre cualquier otro accidente repentino.
□ V.
artillería de sitio
automóvil de sitio
estado de sitio

Real Ac

roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-

(Este mensaje fué ediatado por robertsanchez en Jul 12, 2009, 7:32 PM)


Jul 12, 2009, 7:41 PM

Mensaje #3 de 5 (7874 visitas)
Re: [robertsanchez] Lugar Y Sitio [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

gracias por la respuesta justo ese es el problema porque incluso en la drae los conceptos se mezclan y son sinonimos oesea es como considerar que tenemos dos consultorios de un mismo hospital son practicamente iguales nuevos se les dara el mismo uso y todo completamnete iguale pro el problema es que ambos podrian considerarse un mismo lugar por tener la misma funcion , la misma forma, etc pro son diferentes sitios por noi estar situados en las mismas coordenadas

Usuario Regular

Jul 12, 2009, 7:52 PM

Mensaje #4 de 5 (7872 visitas)
Re: [punkreaz] Lugar Y Sitio [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

este idioma es clasico en especificar NUEVOS vocablos


Definition: SiteSiteNoun
1. The piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located): "a good site for the school".
2. Physical position in relation to the surroundings.
3. A computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web; "the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers".Verb
1. Assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles".
Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Date "site" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1321. (references)
Etymology: Site \Site\, noun. [Latin expression situs, from sinere, situm, to let, past participle situs placed, lying, situate: compare to the French expression site. Compare to Position.]. (references)
Specialty Definition: SiteDomainDefinitionBiology & BiotechnologyA homogeneous area considered in terms of its environment, particularly as this determines the type and quality of the vegetation, soil and stand structure. It may be specific to a particular slope, exposure, elevation, or substrate. Source: European Union. (references) An area considered in terms of its environment, particularly as this determines the type and quality of the vegetation the area can carry. Source: European Union. (references)Building & Civil EngineeringFactory-built chimney: a chimney consisting entirely of factory-made parts, each designed to be assembled with the other without requiring fabrication on --. Source: European Union. (references) Truck mixer or transit mixer: a concrete mixer mounted on a lorry. It mixes the concrete during transport from the batching plant to the --. Source: European Union. (references)EnvironmentAn area or place within the jurisdiction of the EPA and/or a state. (references) All land on which the industrial acitivities under the control of a company at a given location are carried out, including any connected or associated storage of raw materials, by-products, intermediate products, end products and waste material, and any equipment and infrastructure involved in te activities, whether or not fixed. Source: European Union. (references)Nuclear Energy & PhysicsThe area containing the plant, defined by a boundary and under effective control of the Plant Management. Source: European Union. (references)Post & TelecomA virtual space on the Internet containing information in various formats. Source: European Union. (references)TransportationSpace of ground occupied by aeronautical facilities. Source: European Union. (references)

Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.


Abbreviations & Acronyms: SiteThe following table is compiled from various sources, across various languages. When English abbreviations or acronyms come from a non-English source, this is noted.EntrySourceExpressionFieldSITEEnglishImproving urban transport in medium size citiesComputing, TransportationSILSEnglishSite Initiated Line SwitchingComputing, Post & TelecomSICFrenchSite d'importance communautaireFood & Agriculture, Environment

Source: compiled by the editor, based on several corpora (additional references).


Synonyms: SiteSynonyms: internet site (n), land site (n), situation (n), web site (n), locate (v), place (v). (additional references)


Synonyms within Context: SiteContextSynonyms within Context (source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus).Defense
Hardened site.

Area defense; site defense.Situation
Place, site, station, seat, venue, whereabouts; ground; bearings; (direction); spot; (limited space).Source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus.


Crosswords: SiteEnglish words defined with "site": camping site ♦ drill site ♦ internet site ♦ land site ♦ site visit ♦ web site. (references)
Specialty definitions using "site": ACTIVE DATA BASE SITE, Allosteric Site, archive site ♦ banner site, beta site ♦ cobweb site ♦ distant site error ♦ GNU mirror site, Ground Calibration Site ♦ intra-base site links ♦ locally contaminated site ♦ naval advanced logistic support site, naval forward logistic site ♦ open air test site ♦ picnic site, portal site ♦ ratio site, rib site ♦ Site Assessment Program, site class, site conditions, SITE ENERGY, site exploration, Site Inspection, site investigation, site of metastasis, Site Personnel, site population factor, Site report, site rivet, Site Specific Hydrologic Prediction System, Super Site ♦ ultimate radioactive waste disposal site, uniformly contaminated site ♦ Validation Site. (references)
Etymologies containing "site": Sited. (references)
Non-English Usage: "Site" is also a word in the following languages with English translations in parentheses.
French (site), Turkish (buildings, complex, development).


Modern Usage: SiteDomainUsageScreenplays
This is it. The site of our controversial first date (Say Anything; writing credit: Cameron Crowe.)
Oh that must be a site. (Forrest Gump; writing credit: Eric Roth)
And this site was chosen for its seclusion and scenic beauty (The Shining; writing credit: Stanley Kubrick)
I am totally suing that Web site. (Malcolm in the Middle; writing credit: Daniel Frenette)
This site also demonstrates one of the great dangers of archeology, not to life and limb, although that does sometimes take place, I'm talking about folklore (Raiders of the Lost Ark; writing credit: George Lucas; Philip Kaufman)Lyrics
Hop on the site like like we used to do (Just A Baby Boy; performing artist: Tyrese)Movie/TV Titles
Murder at Site 3 (1959)
Goede daden bij daglicht: Site by Site (1996)
A Site Better Off (1989)
Site 2 (1989)
Sacred Site (1986)

Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.


Commercial Usage: SiteDomainTitleBooks

  • Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone (reference)

  • EBay the Smart Way : Selling, Buying, and Profiting on the Web's #1 Auction Site (reference)

  • Strike It Rich On eBay (The World's Largest Online Internet Auction Site) (reference)

  • How to Activate Your Web Site (reference)

  • Capture Section report of fish aggregating device (FAD) site survey, construction and deployment assistance to the Fisheries Department of Tuvalu : Phase I, 7-24 October 1995 and Phase II, 17 May-7 June 1996 (reference)
    (more book examples)
Periodicals Theater & Movies

  • Mighty Machines - At The Construction Site (With Toy) (reference)
    (more DVD examples; more video examples)
Music High Tech Consumer Goods

  • DeWalt DW911 Job Site Radio & Battery Charger (9.6V-18V DeWalt NiCd Batteries) (reference)

  • Skil 2936 3.6V Articulating Screwdriver with Site Light (reference)

  • Milwaukee 49-24-0200 Job Site Radio (reference)


Definition: PlacePlaceNoun
1. A point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic".
2. Any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House".
3. An abstract mental location; "he has a special place in my thoughts"; "a place in my heart"; "a political system with no place for the less prominent groups".
4. A general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago".
5. The function or position properly or customarily occupied or served by another: "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of".
6. A particular situation: "If you were in my place what would you do?".
7. Where you live; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?".
8. A job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury".
9. The particular portion of space occupied by a physical object: "he put the lamp back in its place".
10. : proper or designated social situation: "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station".
11. : a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane); "he booked their seats in advance"; "he sat in someone else's place".
12. : the passage that is being read; "he lost his place on the page".
13. : proper or appropriate position or location; "a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen".
14. : a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place".
15. : an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position".
16. : a blank area; "write your name in the space provided".Verb
1. Put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point".
2. Place somebody in a particular situation or location: "he was placed on probation".
3. Assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?".
4. Assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles".
5. To arrange for; "place a phone call", "place a bet".
6. Take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon".
7. Intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself".
8. Recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the "wanted" poster".
9. Assign to (a job or a home).
10. : locate; "The film is set in Africa".
11. : estimate: "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M.".
12. : identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection".
13. : make an investment; "Put money into bonds".
14. : assign to a station.
15. : finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place".
16. : sing a note with the correct pitch.
Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Date "place" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1010. (references)
Etymology: Place \Place\, noun. [French, from Latin platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Greek platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy`s, flat, broad; akin to Sanskrit p[r]thu, Lithuanian platus. Compare to Flawn, Piazza, Plate, Plaza.]. (references)
Specialty Definition: PlaceDomainDefinitionComputingPLACE Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment. ["The Compiler for the Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment (PLACE)", AFAPL TR-68-27, Battelle Inst, Columbus, May 1968]. Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing.CensusA concentration of population either legally bounded as an incorporated place, or delineated for statistical purposes as a census designated place (in Puerto Rico, a comunidad or zona urbana). See census designated place, consolidated city, incorporated place, independent city, independent place. (references)MiningA. See:in situ b. The part of a mine in which a miner works by contract is known as his "place" or "working place."c. A point at which the cutting of coal is being carried on. (references)Tips from 1870Usage: Place. In the use of participles and of verbal nouns, the leading word in sense should always be made the leading word, and not the adjunct, in the construction.
"They did not give notice of the pupil leaving." Here, the leading idea is leaving. Pupil should, therefore, be subordinate by changing its form to the possessive; as, "They did not give notice of the pupil's leaving." Better still, "They did not give notice that the pupil had left." Source: Slips of Speech.

Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.


Specialty Definition: Toponym

(From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)

In geography, cartography, linguistics and grammar, a toponym is a place name, a geographical name, a proper name of locality, region, or some other part of Earth's surface or its natural or artificial feature. Toponymy is the taxonomic study of place names. See toponymy for a list of related articles.
In anatomy, toponym is a name of a region of the body, as distinguished from the name of an organ.
In biology, a toponym is a binomial name of a plant.
(Greek: τοπωνυμιος, toponymios| τοπος, topos, a place, locality + ονυμα, onyma, name, title).
See also -onym

Source: adapted by the editor from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under a copyleft GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) from the article "Toponym."


Abbreviations & Acronyms: PlaceThe following table is compiled from various sources, across various languages. When English abbreviations or acronyms come from a non-English source, this is noted.EntrySourceExpressionFieldplaceEnglishProgramming language for automatic checkout equipmentComputing, Language

Source: compiled by the editor, based on several corpora (additional references).


Synonyms: PlaceSynonyms: berth (n), blank space (n), home (n), lieu (n), office (n), piazza (n), plaza (n), position (n), post (n), property (n), seat (n), shoes (n), situation (n), space (n), spot (n), station (n), stead (n), topographic point (n), aim (v), base (v), come in (v), come out (v), commit (v), direct (v), grade (v), identify (v), invest (v), lay (v), localise (v), localize (v), locate (v), order (v), point (v), pose (v), put (v), range (v), rank (v), rate (v), send (v), set (v), site (v), target (v). (additional references)Antonym: divest (v). (additional references)


Synonyms within Context: PlaceContextSynonyms within Context (source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus).Abode
Street, place, terrace, parade, esplanade, alameda, board walk, embankment, road, row, lane, alley, court, quadrangle, quad, wynd, close, yard, passage, rents, buildings, mews.

Square, polygon, circus, crescent, mall, piazza, arcade, colonnade, peristyle, cloister; gardens, grove, residences; block of buildings, market place, place, plaza.

Noun: abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat,

House, mansion, place, villa, cottage, box, lodge, hermitage, rus in urbe, folly, rotunda, tower, chateau, castle, pavilion, hotel, court, manor-house, capital messuage, hall, palace; kiosk, bungalow; casa, country seat, apartment house, flat house, frame house, shingle house, tenement house; temple.Arrangement
Verb: reduce to order, bring into order; introduce order into; rally. arrange, dispose, place, form; put in order, set in order, place in order; set out, collocate, pack, marshal, range, size, rank, group, parcel out, allot, distribute, deal; cast the parts, assign the parts; dispose of, assign places to; assort, sort; sift, riddle; put to rights, set to rights, put into shape, put in trim, put in array; apportion.Business
Office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living; situation, berth, employ; service; (servitude); engagement; undertaking.

Office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living; situation, berth, employ; service; (servitude); engagement; undertaking.Circumstance
Noun: circumstance, situation, phase, position, posture, place, point; terms; regime; footing, standing, status.Order
Rank, place; (term).Repute
Rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status; position, position in society; order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition.Term
Noun: term, rank, station, stage, step; degree; scale, remove, grade, link, peg, round of the ladder, status, position, place, point, mark, pas, period, pitch; stand, standing; footing, range.Source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus.


Crosswords: PlaceEnglish words defined with "place": at a lower place, at that place ♦ Breathing place, Burial place, Burying place ♦ Dwelling place ♦ hiding place, High place, holy place ♦ imaginary place, in a higher place, in place, in the first place ♦ jumping-off place ♦ landing place, lurking place ♦ Market place ♦ nesting place, Normal place ♦ Out of place ♦ place down, place mat, Place name, Place of arms, place of birth, place setting, polling place, pride of place ♦ Sacred place, Sticking place ♦ take place, to a higher place, to a lower place, To give place, To have place, To take place, Trysting place ♦ Watering place. (references)
Specialty definitions using "place": abnormal place ♦ bing place ♦ Census designated place, Central place ♦ gaseous place, geographically identified place ♦ incorporated place, independent place ♦ Kiss the Place to make it Well ♦ leading place ♦ passing place, Place of Delivery, place of disembarkment from a road vehicle, place of embarkment on a railway vehicle, place of embarkment on a road vehicle, place of embarkment on an inland waterways transport vessel, place of embarkment on an IWT vessel, place of loading on a rail vehicle, place of loading on inland waterways transport vessel, place of loading on IWT vessel ♦ Skull, The place of a, special place, Special Place Advance Visit, Special Place Facility Questionnaire, Special Place Facility Questionnaire operation ♦ taking-off place ♦ value of new construction put in place ♦ work put in place, working place. (references)
Non-English Usage: "Place" is also a word in the following languages with English translations in parentheses.
French (location, Piazza, place, Plaza, position, post, public square, room, seat, space, spot, Square, stead), Pidgin English (place), Romanian (it is pleasing).


Modern Usage: PlaceDomainUsageScreenplays
It's kind of like when you go on vacation: you plan everything out, but then one day you make a wrong turn, or take a detour, and you end up in some crazy place you can't even find on the map, doing something you never thought you'd do. Maybe you feel a little lost while it's happening, but later you realize it was the best part of the whole trip (Threesome; writing credit: Andrew Fleming.)
I could hardly find this place with a bloody map (Sleuth; writing credit: Anthony Shaffer)
I wonder if you understand that all of us-- Dolores, me, the children who survived, the children who didn't-- that we're all citizens of a different town now. A place with its own special rules and its own special laws (The Sweet Hereafter; writing credit: Atom Egoyan)
A place rich with all the strange beauty of your nighttime dreams (Seven Years in Tibet; writing credit: Becky Johnston)
Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano (Dumb and Dumber; writing credit: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly, and Bennett Yellin.)Lyrics
We'll make heaven a place on earth (Heaven Is A Place On Earth; performing artist: Belinda Carlisle)
Anytime,and any place I don't care who's around (Any Time, Any Place; performing artist: Janet Jackson)
Yo there ain't no place like home (Ain't No Place Like Home; performing artist: Prince)
Racin' the place, no time to waste (Get Ready For This; performing artist: 2 Unlimited)
Ain't a woman alive that can take my momma's place (Dear Mama; performing artist: 2Pac)Clever
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don't need it. (references; author: Bob Hope)
In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made School Boards. (references; author: Mark Twain)
Second place is the first loser. (references; author: unknown)
Wal-Mart isn't the only saving place! (references; author: unknown)
You always find something in the last place you look. (references; author: unknown)Tongue Twisters
A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed. (references; author: unknown)Movie/TV Titles
Lonely Place (2003)
Place de la république (1974)
A Place Without Parents (1974)
Peyton Place Revisited (1973)
Grace's Place (1973)Song Titles
Any Time, Any Place (performing artist: Janet Jackson)
I Know A Place (performing artist: Petula Clark)
I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (performing artist: Prince)
A PLACE IN THE SUN (performing artist: Stevie Wonder )
Another Time, Another Place (performing artist: Wanna-Bees)

Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.


Commercial Usage: PlaceDomainTitleReferences

  • Childrens Place Retail Stores Inc: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (reference)

  • First Place Financial Corporation: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (reference)

  • Holmes Place PLC: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (reference)

  • Park Place Entertainment Corporation: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (reference)

  • St James's Place Capital plc: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (reference)
    (more reference examples)

  • A Place Called Wiregrass (reference)

  • A place called Baca (reference)

  • Isaac Backus, Puritan and Baptist: His Place in History, His Thought and Their Implications for Modern Baptist Theology (reference)

  • Saggy Baggy Elephant: No Place for Me (reference)

  • A Spirit Loose in the World: The Extraordinary Journey of a Beloved Benedictine Abbot in Search of Man's Place in the World and His Relationship Wit (reference)
    (more book examples)
Periodicals Theater & Movies Music High Tech Consumer Goods

  • Pfaltzgraff Heritage 5-Piece Place Setting, Service for 1 (reference)

  • Pfaltzgraff April 5-Piece Place Setting, Service for 1 (reference)

  • Lenox Butler's Pantry "At Your Service" Place Card Holders (reference)

  • Bamboo Place Mats (Set of 4) (reference)

  • Johnson Brothers Old Britain Castles Pink Dinnerware 5-Piece Place Setting (reference)
    (more baby examples; more wireless phone examples; more garden examples; more kitchen examples; more tool examples)

Tomado del Webster (casi es el DRAE en ingles)

En ambos idiomas estas palabras son consideradas sinonimos; Podriamos revisar el Frances, pero al ser una lengua romance seguramente tendremos el mismo resultado.

me pregunto ¿porque te sorprende esto?
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-


Jul 12, 2009, 7:56 PM

Mensaje #5 de 5 (7871 visitas)
Re: [robertsanchez] Lugar Y Sitio [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

supongo que eso es lo mas obvio incluso a mi me parece que no existe una gran diferencia ( si es que la hay) entre el significado de estas dos palabras seguire buscando y si encuentro algo pasare a postearlo por aqui


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