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Mar 31, 2010, 2:39 AM

Mensaje #1 de 3 (2578 visitas)
AMBIENTES ARQUITECTONICOS!!!!! Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder


AYUDAAA, Tengo un trabrajo en el que me piden investigar sobre "AMBIENTES ARQUITECTONICOS", a que se refieren con esto? y CUALES SON ESTOS AMBIENTES. Todo lo que me puedan ayudar con esto se los agradeceria. cUANDO SE REFIEREN A AMBIENTES ARQUITECTONICOS SERIA LO MISMO QUE AMOBLAMIENTOS? Por favor ayudenme.


(Este mensaje fué ediatado por silviaduran3333 en Mar 31, 2010, 2:51 AM)

Usuario Regular

Mar 31, 2010, 1:17 PM

Mensaje #2 de 3 (2562 visitas)
Re: [silviaduran3333] AMBIENTES ARQUITECTONICOS!!!!! [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

Environment and process group
The three research groups in Environment and Process (Acoustics and Lighting, Computer-Mediated Design, Building-Life Modelling) are advancing methods to predict and model our built environment for sustainability, control and enhancement. The work receives funding from Research Councils, EU and the DTI and since 2001 it has received 11 major grants for a total of £1.5 million.
Acoustics and Lighting (Barry Gibbs, with David Oldham, Carl Hopkins, Gary Seiffert, David Carter) is recognised for research into building acoustics and lighting engineering design.
The journal Building Acoustics is edited within the group and is a quarterly international journal, now in its 15th year.
Research projects on vibro-acoustic transmission in buildings from building services and machinery is being carried out in collaboration with researchers at the Stuttgart-Hochschule für Technik. This is yielding measurement and prediction methods which are being actively considered by European and International Standards committees. The novel approaches that have been developed are also being applied to virtual acoustic prototyping.
Research on low-frequency sound transmission in buildings is delivering methods of predicting noise from mechanical services, road traffic and domestic entertainment systems.
The group is currently involved in the EU 6th Framework project HOLIWOOD on the acoustic properties of biomass materials and the design and testing of new materials for highway noise barriers.
Research supported by the DTI and the specialist company, Primasonics International, has created new possibilities for using very loud sound to dislodge dust (known as sonic cleaning) and thereby clean areas of industrial plant that are not easily accessible.
The group is leading European research on the effect of obstructed interiors on light loss. Its work on tubular daylight guidance systems forms the core of the forthcoming ISO standard. The Building Research Establishment (BRE) funds the studies of how people use individual lighting control systems to create a satisfactory visual environment. The results of this work have been used in the SLL Code for Lighting.
Computer-Mediated Design (Andre Brown, Mike Knight) investigates how computer-mediated visualisation, including digital images of the non-visual, can be developed into a common language that communicates information between the different parties involved in the design process, including client bodies.
The group heads the collaboration of five international organisations (in North and South America, Asia, Europe and globally) involved in computer aided architectural design, which disseminates research through the International Journal of Architectural Computing. The work builds on recent work on navigation in virtual environments and has led to the initiative City in the Palm of Your Hand, which is of immediate relevance to Liverpool’s Capital of Culture celebrations in 2008.

Building Life Modelling (Halim Bousabaine, John Lewis) focuses on the development and application of emerging modelling technologies to improve decision-making processes in the life cycle of building assets.
This group’s research, in collaboration with the NHS, is giving innovative methods of estimating and benchmarking facilities management costs in acute-care hospitals. The work has attracted interest in policy circles including the EU and ISO standards. The work on risk in relation to design, scheduling and cash flow, utilises innovative complexity and stochastic techniques to develop decision support systems.
A strategic initiative is the Built Environment Complexity Network (BECON) formed to apply fundamentals of complexity science to built-environment systems, and to encourage cross-fertilisation among the many disciplines involved. Recent events include: BECON 2007 in South Africa; the workshop, Embracing Complexity in Design (ECiD) (Liverpool, 2007); and the advanced course for researchers Embracing Complexity in the Built Environment (Liverpool 2006 and Salford 2007).
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-


Abr 2, 2010, 8:15 PM

Mensaje #3 de 3 (2451 visitas)
Re: [robertsanchez] AMBIENTES ARQUITECTONICOS!!!!! [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

No creo que me haya hecho entender, lo que queria decir que es cuales son los entornos arquitectonicos. Tengo un trabajo en el que tengo que averiguar DEMAS de lo que me mandaron en mi trabajo, lo acabo de adjuntar, espero que tengan la respuestas cuando busco no estan muy claras. Igual muchas gracias por lo anterior.

Ayuda!! :(

Gracias :)
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