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info para cava para vinos


Usuario Nuevo

May 5, 2009, 10:37 PM

Mensaje #1 de 4 (15283 visitas)
info para cava para vinos Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

Buen dia, estoy buscando toda la informacion posible sobre el diseño de cavas para vinos, chicas, medianas y grandes, alguien me puede apoyar con esto por favor. planos y lecturas, lincks en la web, lo que sea.

Usuario Regular

Jun 14, 2009, 10:04 AM

Mensaje #2 de 4 (15112 visitas)
Re: [arqjasors] info para cava para vinos [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

Wine storage and cellar conditions
How and why to build a wine cellar? Wines can be stored in cellars or racks. Herebelow are the proper conditions.
A wine closet
Look around your home for a dark, quiet place with a constant temperature and no vibration. If you choose a closet, it is preferable to choose one that is on a north wall. A North wall rarely receives direct sunlight, thus the heating of the storage space in the summer is reduced.
Such a wine closet may ruin a few bottles after some months of storage.
You can also purchase one of the wine cooler cabinets that are on the market.
Building a wine cellar
To establish your collection in the basement, find a location that is far away from any heat source, vibration (subway) or strong odours (like fuel). Insulation and humidity are primary considerations for custom wine cellar design.

Wine cellar in a Tuscany domain
© 2007, by David Porter, (license) The drier the cave, the faster the corks will dry out. If the stopper lets too much air pass, it will ultimately spoil the wine. Aging wines for ten years requires a minimum of 60 percent humidity.
Wine racks
Bottles must be stored on their sides to keep the corks moist. You have three solutions :

  1. You build a few shelves yourself;

  2. You take advantage of the many professional companies that design wine racks to suit any space;

  3. You go to your hardware store and purchase square clay pipes (used for chimneys) and build instant racks with them. Stackable and cheap!

In any case you can plan for the design of these racks.
Wine storage temperatures
Temperature variations must very gradual over the course of the day. This is a priority which imposes that the cellar be insulated.
The ambient temperature for your cellar can be anything between 50°F and 60°F (between 10°C and 15°C). This is ideal for long-term aging for all types of wines.
Note that wine generally matures better and more slowly at the lower temperatures than it does at the higher temperatures.
Residential wine cellars can be maintained at the proper temperature actively or passively. Actively cooled wine cellars are highly insulated and need to be properly constructed. Active cooling utilizes specific wine storage conditioning and cooling systems to maintain the desired temperature and humidity. Many cooling systems only control the temperature and not the humidity in which case you must check the humidity yourself.
Passively cooled wine cellars take advantage of naturally cool and damp areas (such as basements with uninsulated outside walls in cool or temperate climates). This implies that you tolerate minor seasonal and diurnal temperature variations. Passive wine cellars may be less predictable, but cost nothing to operate and are not affected by power outages.
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-

Usuario Regular

Jun 14, 2009, 10:08 AM

Mensaje #3 de 4 (15112 visitas)
Re: [arqjasors] info para cava para vinos [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder


Helpful Wine Cellar Design Tips

What Considerations Should I Have Before Beginning The Wine Cellar Design Process? 1
A: A wine cellar is as individualized as your home. While all wine cellars should be focused on function, you should answer some questions before beginning the process of your wine cellar design. How often do I plan to spend time in my wine cellar? Do I want a design similar to the one I currently have throughout my home? Do I want to maintain a focus on function or would I like the space to look more elegant and refined? Do I plan to entertain in this space? How much volume do I plan to store in my wine cellar? The answers to these questions are important to your wine cellar design. You want the time, money and effort being spent on this space to give you the desired result when it is completed.

Learn more about the Viglant design process Back to top
How Involved Should I Be In The Wine Cellar Design Process? 2
A: Upon contracting with a company to build your wine cellar, you should have input on your wine cellar design from the inception of the project. After making the final decision to do business with one company, furnish them with dimensions of the area you have proposed for your wine cellar. The dimensions should include the rooms height (including all entrances) and width. Decide on the design of the racks for your wine cellar and whether or not what you have chosen will fit within the confines of your wine cellar design. Make any requests for special services, such as art or additional furniture. This is also a good time to finalize your financial obligations, including anticipated costs and labor. Ask the company to break down the cost by percentage or an itemized cost sheet of each step of the process of constructing the wine cellar. Make sure you are aware of the cost up front and have signed a contract or agreement for the price you have been quoted. Back to top
How Important A Factor Is Temperature In My Wine Cellar Design? 3
A: Temperature control is arguably the most important consideration in wine cellar design. Here are some tips involving temperature and your wine cellar: When the temperature of your wine cellar is too warm, your wine will age twice as fast. This means that the flavor will change (usually for the worse) and the taste you are expecting will likely be much different. Frequent changes in temperature can introduce oxygen to your wine. As warmer temperatures take over, the pressure in the bottle expands and causes the wine to lose its luster. This also affects the flavor of the wine. If you want your wine to taste pleasant and have the fullest amount of flavor possible, invest in temperature control methods for your wine cellar. Back to top
Can I Include A Wine Cellar In The Design of My New Home? 4
A: New home construction is on the rise and many homeowners are opting to install wine cellars during the construction phase of their home. After your home has been built and furnished, it is often more difficult to install a wine cellar because of the logistics of large-scale home improvement projects. However, if you work with your architect during the planning stages of your new home, they can suggest and construct an area with the ideal conditions for a wine cellar. This can save you time and money and help to create the perfect environment for storing your wine collection. Back to top
How Do I Know Which Wine Cellar Design Is Best For Me? 5
A: Wine cellar designs are as varied as the design of individual homes. The wine cellar design you choose should best suit your home and the volume of wine you plan to store. For volume ranges from medium to high, a walk-in wine cellar is the best option available. The size of the wine cellar should depend on the size of your home and what locations are available for this project. A walk-in wine cellar should include an appropriately-sized cooling unit and reinforced paneling throughout the space. Racking options can vary, although modular wine racks are easily adapted to differently sized wine cellars. Accents can include contrasting styles of wood, murals and striking pieces of art and a unique door style. This can make your wine cellar stand out with style and elegance. Back to top
What Is A Wine Center? 6
A: When you are designing your residential wine cellar, incorporate accents for storage and functional purposes. Designate an area of your custom wine cellar where you can store cases of wine and a different area to entertain guests over your favorite bottle. This would be a good spot for a wine spirits center. A wine spirits center is small enough to fit comfortably into your custom wine cellar without overwhelming the space. It is large enough to serve in a storage capacity for your wine accesssories, stemware and a few of your latest bottles. The center comes with a serving area and is generally made of a rich, mahogany or light beechwood. Choose the center that best fits with the overall design of your home wine cellar.
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-

Usuario Regular

Jun 14, 2009, 10:11 AM

Mensaje #4 de 4 (15108 visitas)
Re: [arqjasors] info para cava para vinos [En respuesta a ] Responder Citando El Mensaje | Responder

este muy interesante

Planning and Building a Wine Cellar: General Considerations
Category: Wine Cellar - Plan & Build
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By: Perry Sims
Building a custom wine room requires an overall understanding of design and construction terms, techniques, options, and materials, and how these elements work together to create an ideal wine storage environmfent. Your wine room will be a permanent structure; while you may be able to adjust or remodel the racking systems to accommodate a growing collection, think of the room and its systems as permanent parts of your home.
Proposals made by a wine cellar contractor should include examples of prior work and references from former clients, detailed plans for the project, and a budget for materials and labor.
Therefore, look for a location that balances capacity and convenience, employs an unused space (or one for which its previous use can be easily relocated or sacrificed), and provides reasonable access for extension of circuits and plumbing to new mechanical systems. Ideally, the cellar should use existing structural components of the house for some or all of the walls, the floor, and the ceiling.
If you're considering a below-grade location, for instance, choose an accessible corner where you can use the existing basement walls for two of the cellar's walls-you'll cut the expense of building them from scratch. Another good location is an interior space wholly within the home's exterior walls. Interior spaces have nearly constant, comfortable temperatures higher than those of the planned wine storage area, and they are isolated from the temperature swings typical of exterior walls. Be practical; if you choose a closet or understairs location, find somewhere else to store coats, boots, holiday decorations, and board games.
The project's budget is another critical consideration. Your resources for the project drive the design process, so settle them first. This assures that you will gain reasonable estimate for the cost of the project.
While locations such as basements are suited for so-called passive cooling, in which the surroundings regulate the climate without the aid of mechanical systems, they are generally unreliable for supplying the consistent climate control needed for a wine cellar environment. More often, plan to install active refrigeration and humidity-control systems, regardless of your wine room's location. They will create and maintain ideal conditions for proper storage and aging of wine.
Several key factors determine which is the right refrigeration system for your cellar, including room volume, location, and the construction of the walls, floor, and ceiling.
Cooling systems are designed and sized according to the volume of the area they cool, the desired temperature conditions for the space, and the combined structure and features of the finished space, such as its insulation, moisture protection, and seals and weather-stripping components.
Proper insulation slows the natural warming and cooling of the wine cellar. Consult a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (hvac) contractor or engineering professional who can calculate how well the insulated walls, door, and windows-if any-will slow temperature changes in the cellar and make specific insulation recommendations.
Typical wine cellars have interior walls and floors insulated to at least R-13 and its exterior walls and ceilings to R-19-or to R-30 if a wall is exposed to strong winds or direct sunlight or the ceiling divides the cellar from nonconditioned space. The quality of the room's insulation determines the demand or load on the cooling system necessary to maintain the cellar's climate, which in turn dictates the capacity and specific model chosen for the refrigeration system. The better the insulation and seals, the smaller and more energy-efficient is the cooling equipment required. A bit less accurate gauge is to size your cooling equipment using the cubic footage of the space or the number of bottles of wine the room holds.
Most self-contained refrigeration systems can cool the air in the room only 30°F (17°C) below the ambient temperature outside the enclosure. If the outdoor temperatures in your climate exceed 85°F (29°C)- and most do-plan to exhaust heat from your cellar into your home's living space. The refrigeration unit should also either recover moisture from the cooled air with an internal condensation collector that allows condensation to evaporate again or use a split refrigeration system with an extra-large evaporator-to-condenser ratio to minimize the loss of humidity.
Refrigeration systems for wine cellars resemble whole-house air-conditioning systems, but they are specially designed and dedicated cooling systems able to ensure proper wine storage conditions. You'll likely need only a small-capacity, high-efficiency cooling unit to ensure an ideal environment in the heavily insulated, refrigerated wine room. Types of Refrigeration systems
Select the system that best suits your cellar's location. There are three main types
A split-refrigeration system has an evaporative coil mounted high on the cellar's wall and an outside condenser with a fan to dispel the heat. The two units are joined by a coolant line.The first category includes self-contained, stand-alone, wall-mounted units that superficially resemble window-mounted air conditioners and vent through the wall into an adjacent space. While generally too noisy for use in areas where the cellar is adjacent to a bedroom, they are suitable for mounting next to a well-vented utility area, storage closet, laundry room, or unfinished spaces.
The second type of refrigeration systems is the split unit. A split-heat pump is ideal for a basement location. Its noisy condenser and fan are located outside the cellar, typically on the other side of a shared exterior wall.
The last category of cooler is an air-handling system. It is the best choice for a large cellar.
All cooling systems require you to run a new, dedicated circuit to the unit. Remember as you plan electrical circuits for your cellar that you will also need power for lighting and power outlets. For this, splice into existing wiring if a nearby circuit has sufficient capacity, or install new circuits specifically for the wine room.
Though its primary purpose is wine storage, a well-built, functional wine room can also serve supplemental uses, including short-term storage of fine furs, bulk fruit and vegetables, cut flowers-or even cigars-all items that benefit from cool, humid climate conditions. Allow for these other uses in separate closets, cabinets, or side rooms within the wine room.
Finally, include a small island, table, or counter for opening or decanting wine or a quick sampling with a few guests-but plan adjacent space outside the cellar for extended dining and tasting parties.
Passive Cooling
For centuries, wine-makers have relied on caves and other below-grade or underground chambers to store and age wine. The 19th-century Far Niente winery in Oakville, California, for instance, features nearly 20,000 square feet of full-height caves and tunnels burrowed into the hill behind the facility, which provide naturally stable underground climate conditions to age wine. These caves were dug specifically with wine in mind.
Thermal mass and other passive cooling methods are far less reliable for an in-home cellar located in a basement or other below-grade space than are such deep, hillside caves. Seasonal climate changes cause temperature fluctuations in your home cellar and can harm your wine collection.
Use passive cooling as a supplement for active refrigeration. It also extends the life of refrigeration equipment by allowing it to run less frequently and for shorter periods of time than for rooms surrounded by higher temperature conditions, making your cellar cost less and saving energy.
roberto sanchez,RCDD

Facilius Per. Partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Seneca -Es mas fácil entender por partes que entenderlo todo-


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